Exp. These lines, spoken by the waiter to Mr. Crampton, have been extracted from Act II of the play You Never Can Tell written by George Bernard Shaw. The waiter here tells Crampton about hte mystery of life.
Mr. Crampton has observed that Valentine is a fortune hunter. Under the grip of life force, he has fallen in love with Gloria. He wants to marry her but at the same time he wants to enrich himself by marrying Gloria. To this, the philosophic waiter tells Mr. Crampton about the mystery of life. The waiter tells him about his philosophic reading of life. He says that life is a strange mystery, an enigma. None can predict the future of things in life. The most unexpected things always happens in life. This is a bit of philosophy at which the waiter has arrived by what he has seen of life. His own life is a glaring illustration of his philosophy. Though himself a waiter, his is an eminent barrister with a fee of fifty guineas. It is the most unexpected thing for a waiter to have a barrister son. The waiter is the chorus, the philosophic commentator in the play. He plays the ‘fool’ in the comedy. These philosophic words supply the title of the play and strike the keynote of the play.

Basic Study : MA Final in Seven College Under Dhaka University
Subject Name: Modern Drama (Study Guide)
Subject Code: ENM 504
Written and Edited Credit : Md. Layek Ali
Use : Non-Commercial with free Education Purpose
First Published: February 2022
ISBN: 984-70020-0745-0
Text: You Never Can Tell
Writer: George Bernard Shaw
Text Type: Explanations
Act: II